Here is a general description for each position.  A more detailed description of each of these is available here:

President Serving as president of a PTA includes the responsibility to lead that PTA  toward specific goals chosen by its members. The president is the presiding officer and  the official representative of the association. 

Executive Vice President Works as the primary aide to the President to help lead the PTA towards its goals.  Must be ready, willing and able to step into the  President’s job in case the President is unable to complete his/her term for any reason.  

Vice President Membership Responsible for the membership campaign at the  beginning of each year and forwarding our membership numbers and payment to the  district PTA. 

Treasurer Responsibilities include issuing checks, keeping financial records and  preparing reports to comply with local, state and federal laws.  

Recording Secretary Keep an accurate, concise and permanent record of the  proceedings of all meetings of the association and of the executive board. 

Corresponding Secretary Receive and respond to all written correspondence sent  to the PTA such as thank you cards, requests, etc. Also, maintain the PTA e-mail list and  send out weekly e-mail updates. 

Financial Secretary Responsibilities include processing all income monies,  recording and copying them for the treasurer and making deposits at the bank. 

Communications Maintains electronic communications: email account names and passwords, web hosting information, domain name information, social media usernames, logins and passwords, webmaster contact information as applicable. Also maintains calendar of events and contact information for PTA officers and chairmen.

Historian Responsibilities include maintaining volunteer hour logs and to reporting  volunteer hours to the district. Also, may help with scrapbooks and other records of the  school year activities. 

Auditor Responsible for the twice yearly audits of the PTA books to determine the  accuracy of the books and records.  

Parliamentarian Parliamentary procedure is simply a set of rules for conducting  organized meetings. Following parliamentary procedures lets the PTA accomplish its  goals fairly while protecting all members’ rights. The primary duty of the parliamentarian  is to advise the presiding officer on questions of parliamentary law and matters of  procedure.


© Northwood PTA
28 Carson
Irvine CA 92620
Northwood Elementary PTA is a
non-profit 501(c)(3) organization